Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dreams can become real

There was a happy pill that would naturally remove worries from our minds, pain from our hearts and aches from our bodies.

There was a magic wand that could do a little nip and tuck in your least desirable places so you can have a perfect-10 figure without surgery.

You could dress fashionably in an instant without spending minutes, even hours, in front of the mirror.

Just one wish could transform your and other people’s outlook in life.

We could manage without sleep.
Our bodies would never get sick or age.
These are just some of the fantasies of people who cannot accept reality as it is. They have their own ideas of what reality should be.

Utopian dream
All of us dream of a perfect world, perfect people and perfect situations. As they say, dreams are free and dreamers have the freedom to dream on. However, in the search for the best that we can be, we have to begin with who we are.

Reality check
Truth is, one has to begin somewhere. So, let’s start.
Happy pill. There is a happy pill. But it’s an imaginary one. It is fashioned by the mind, fueled by the heart and sustained by their teamwork. Trust me, it works.Color it green for abundance, pink for perfection, blue for healing, orange for energy, red for passion and love.Whatever color you choose, know that it is your subconscious that is deciding. This prompts the mind to behave and feel in ways only you can control. So take it daily with no fear of an overdose. Smile!
Magic wand. Much like a happy pill, the wand is all yours to create. Visualize it as made of light. It is so powerful it can also influence your mind to do anything, placing the impossible in the realm of possibilities.

Once you accept it, know that you will make that expectation your own reality. Start pointing that wand at parts of you that require change.Maybe you’ve been irritable and bitter lately? Point it at your head. That’s a good place to start. The rest of you will need working on. And know that once your mind is made up, you will work toward your own improvement.

The fountain of youth is already inside you. As Deepak Chopra says in “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind,” “Look to the land where no one is old. It is nowhere but in yourself.”Believing is paramount. And now, your regimen. You must have the basic essentials. Right diet, right attitude, right exercise, right sleep, right work, right rest, right time for prayer and worship.

Your affirmation
“Everyday is a birthday for I renew myself each day!”
Love and light!



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