Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The cells, they are a-changin’

Perhaps Solomon inspired these lines from the Old Testament: “Gladness of heart is life to a man, joy is what gives him length of days.”

Body speak

The human body is a free-flowing network of cells, each one able to communicate with the other. But what are the cells saying?

At this very moment, your body is functioning as it has been programmed to function—you are inhaling then exhaling hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.

And though your major organs look unchanged from months ago, you are wrong. Change happens on the cellular level.

Just like the skin that replaces itself once a month, the liver undergoes change every six weeks, the skeleton is completely renewed every three months. By year’s end, 98 percent of the atoms in your body will be replaced by new ones. Incredible but true.

All about science

Albert Einstein knew it all along. He shattered the age-old space time model of the universe by reassembling time and space into what is considered a new geometry.

This only means that space and time are relative—with no beginning and no end.

Everything in the universe is being made new. And your body is the sum of all its cells that are designed to keep changing.

Cell health and Dr. Navarro

In order to be alive and stay alive, your cells need to be nourished. Enter Doc Robin Navarro, who has introduced a fascinating approach to health and recovery called cellular balancing.

A doctor of medicine, honoris causa, awarded by the Oxford College of Applied Science, and chosen Outstanding Research Fellow in Cellular Medicine by the Newton Hall Foundation in England, Doc Robin has devoted his practice to revitalizing the body through a rapid defense.

Judging from the remarkable healing of his patients such as Joyce Po, a 10-year-old with multiple sclerosis; Joven Atienza, a 16-year-old with life-threatening encephalitis and epilepsy; and John Cunningham, a 70-year-old Canadian who suffered a near-fatal heart attack, his medicinal approach is both natural/alternative and remarkable.

Major hospitals have given up on these patients. But today, they live normal lives.

The best case of all is Rebecca Reyes, a 50-year-old housewife who became bedridden due to cardiac arrest. But after three days of the balancing treatment she was able to walk again. Today, she regularly attends ballroom dancing classes.

According to the good doctor, the common denominator of all disease is oxidative stress. If you reverse the stress, you revert back to good health.

Oxygen is essential to the human body for energy and metabolism. However, if it interacts with polyunsaturated fats in the body, free radical damage begins leading to cancer, diabetes, lupus, etc.

Through what he calls membrane stabilizing antioxidants using enzymes and co-enzymes (like flavonoids—catechin, silibinin and vitamins A, C, E and gluthatione coming from whey, plus a host of phenolic substances and minerals found in fruits, vegetables, red wine, cocoa, tea and grains), hopeless patients literally become hopeful.

And where once they were near-death, today they embrace life. But if you heal a sickly body, an ailing spirit should also be healed.

Hugging as medicine

Modern medicine has come to terms with one powerful truth—that the act of nurturing has immense value health-wise.

When newborn babies are touched, held and caressed, their own growth hormone levels increase and myelin, the protective coating of motor nerves, thickens.

Thus, when a mother lovingly embraces her baby, this very act causes biochemical reactions that sustain life.

Translated into practical terms, a hug = medicine. If a hug is good medicine, then it should be given and taken freely and frequently. It can only result in better health.

Never give up

It is never really over. The fight against disease through health management continues to evolve. When confronted with a debilitating illness, do not give up. The best time to stand up is when you are down. So, here is a quick tonic for you—a hug for you now.

Love and light!

Reference: Deepak Chopra, “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind”
Dr. Robin Navarro, 6367726/6367727

Celebrate Life with Cory Quirino on Aug. 18, 2-5 p.m., SM Sucat. Free admission to “A Wellness Day.”


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