Monday, December 24, 2007

Saving grace

it is time to rescue yourself from the onslaught of daily living.

Staying informed is paramount to staying ahead. Saving elements in your life that are part and parcel of who you are complete you in ways you cannot even imagine.

Perhaps you are guilty of ignorance, negligence or apathy. But fear not, here is a rescue list. So let’s get started on your mission to save yourself.


Actually, the more accurate term is energy vampires. These are real people that surround us and have the uncanny ability to steal our energy.

Example: You get regular phone calls from a friend who never stops complaining about the same thing or situation. Almost instinctively, s/he calls you, unloading all the hurts and pains accumulated over a lifetime.

Your boss’ irritable/angry nature can also get you down.

Or it may be someone you see every day, exposing you to his/her never-has-nothing-nice-to-say-about-anybody character? All these negatives take away energy from you.

Energy-saving tip: Distance yourself from people and/or situations that are negative. If this cannot be avoided, lessen your exposure immediately.

Or you can turn the situation around by simply saying, “Would your life change if you adopted a more positive attitude?”

Experts in natural health claim that if a negative person touches you, the negativity can transfer to you. The result? A feeling of debilitation or exhaustion.

Sure-shot energy boosters are daily moderate exercise, 6-8 hours of sleep and a balanced diet.

Skin savers

Who says we have to age like our parents? Modern anti-aging approaches are here, so rejoice. But, before anything else, consider the view that to look good on the outside, you have to take care of the inside.

The antioxidant army is here to keep your skin and complexion young and supple. Consider these basics as part of your daily regimen:

Vitamin A - 5,000 IUs
Vitamin E - 400 IUs
Vitamin C - 1,000 mg, 2X daily
Grape seed extract - 1 tablet
Co-enzyme Q10 - 30mg
Alpha-lipoic acid - 50 mg

Note: If your protein intake is low (protein is essential to proper heart functioning), then take COQ10.

Another valuable tip is to stay away from the sun unless you are wearing a sunblock (SPF-30, minimum). When you notice that you have fine lines, wrinkles, sun-damaged and sagging skin due to loss of firmness, it is time to increase your Vitamin C supplements.

There are many forms of Vitamin C—ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate and ester-C. Always take this antioxidant after a full meal.

Remember that, while animals can produce their own Vitamin C, humans cannot. Therefore, it is important that you include this as part of your vitamin regimen. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, is essential to the health of the nervous system and provides energy to the body.

Heart lift

That is right. Your heart needs a lift. Basic to your health is a physical heart that is cared for and an emotional heart that is nurtured.

Here is how to give your heart a lift. The mineral supplement magnesium and the antioxidant co-enzyme Q10 are two musts on your heart checklist.

Next, exercise via power walking daily for 30-45 minutes. Stay calm. Studies have shown that people with bad tempers and are constantly irritable put a heavy stress on the heart.

Practice the art of slow breathing anywhere you are and any chance you get. Whenever you feel the burden of stress bearing down on you, do this:

Calming affirmation and visualization:

Listen to relaxing music or just embrace your silence. Sometimes, tuning in to nature sounds (birds chirping, water running, etc.) can easily put you in a state of calm.

Repeat to yourself, “I am centered, focused and grounded. Nothing and no one can shake me.”

Now imagine you are a mighty and graceful narra tree. Your roots firmly settled in the Earth.

Love and light!

Reference: “The Wrinkle Cure” by Nicholas Perricone, MD


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