Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Laxatives for body, mind and spirit

Do you think you need to release all the junk from within by taking a laxative?

Truth is, you may be addicted to taking laxatives as a means of ridding your body of waste buildup. But more than just the body, how about removing all the toxins from your own mind and spirit? That’s also buildup of the highest order.

Relieve yourself

If you desperately seek out a laxative once a week for months, there is something wrong with your body/diet/lifestyle. This means that you are not OK. It will not harm your health to make some changes of the natural kind.

Body Flush―There are eight things you must do every day in order to prevent constipation:

• Drink 8-10 glasses of water in addition to your 3-4 glasses of beverages a day. Note that caffeine (coffee/tea), alcohol do not count because they actually cause you to lose water, being natural diuretics.
•Exercise regularly. Try 30 minutes of brisk walking daily or engage in some form of aerobic exercise. This assists food in moving through your body.
• Follow your urge―“If you gotta go, you gotta go.” Don’t hold it back or ignore it when you feel the urge. Ignoring the signals will harden your stools.

• Schedule yourself. Make it a habit to visit the toilet 20 minutes after meals in order to train yourself. Don’t worry. And don’t strain. After some time, your bowels will be trained.
• Use a foot rest in the bathroom. This is a practical tip or a neat trick. Stepping on a small stool can help you relax.
• Ask your doctor―Have a chat with him to see if there are any medications you are taking that may cause constipation like antihistamines, antidepressants, antacids, diuretics, anti-Parkinson-ism drugs. Find alternatives/substitutes.
• Eat high-fiber foods―oatmeal, barley, breakfast cereals, beans, berries, dates, pears, sweet potatoes.
• Drink prune juice before breakfast and/or 2 tablespoons of virgin coco oil.

Unloading the other half

Cleansing the other significant half of you, your mind and spirit may not be as easy as drinking a glass of water, but it will definitely ease the aches and pains of your thoughts and feelings. You have to develop an internal sonar. That’s right.

Sonar focus

When you are in a group of powerful negative emotion, like anger―stop what you are doing and what you are saying and what you are thinking. Focus your attention on what you are feeling.

Easier said than done? But it works. When you start feeling, you will immediately channel the full force of your anger into your consciousness. Choose not to act on an angry impulse. Remember that beneath all anger is pain. According to Dr. Gary Zukav (“The Heart of the Soul”) “anger is an anesthetic.” It is less painful than its actual root cause. In other words, angry people are people in pain. Because most people are afraid to face their own issues (hurts, bitterness, etc.), they naturally strike outward by shouting and doing destructive/cruel things.

• Write yourself a letter as though you were advising your own child. Honest feelings will naturally flow from you in order to release negative feelings.
•Use a punching bag or take up boxing. The physical act of hitting an inanimate object (rather than a person) can be very healing. Release your frustrations now.
•Pray and meditate. When you invoke the power of God, miracles can happen. Be secure in your own stillness. Silence is a friend.
•Forgive someone who has wronged you but, best of all, forgive yourself.

Bathe in beauty not in bitterness

Prepare a hot, relaxing bath. Mix with rose oil aromatherapy. Throw in white rose petals. Because white symbolizes cleansing, you must cover yourself in the purity of your own goodness while affirming “I bathe in beauty and the light.”

Love and light!

Reference: Inner Cleansing Cures



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