Get a grip
When you are doing nothing, feeling nothing, finding yourself at your wit’s end, and snapping at anyone or anything that comes your way, it is time to get a grip on yourself.
Be aware
Stress can come from pressure (internal and external), fear, guilt, anxiety, etc. Most people believe they are operating normally, acting out their life as though stress is an ordinary part of it.
But living on stress regularly, if unmanaged, can sooner or later take its heavy toll on your health and eventually compromise your lifestyle. So, if you want to know where you are, take this simple test.
Your self-discovery must take into account the stress level under which you operate. Look inside yourself. Consider the following stress-inducing situations to assess your stress levels.
1. Are you feeling inadequate at work?2. Are you feeling inadequate in your love life?3. Do you compare yourself unfavorably with your peers?4. Are you dissatisfied with your marriage?5. Are you having cash flow problems?6. Are you in danger of losing your job?7. Are you feeling bored?8. Are you desperately afraid of something?9. Have you made a promise you cannot fulfill?10. Do you feel stuck in a stress cycle?
Dissect the causes of stress in your life and you will come to recognize your level of stress tolerance. Different people have different levels of tolerance.
The causes of all stress can be grouped into three:
1. People in your work, or none.2. External life-changing events.3. Lifestyle-related issues that cause you to be psychologically pressured.
Take charge
Coping with pressure may not be easy but it can be done.
Here are six sure ways:
1. Try to slow down. Whatever your pace, slow things down a notch or two. If you operate on fifth gear, then take it down to third gear. This you can do by promising yourself—not your doctor, husband/wife or children, but yourself.2. Try to calm your mind. Practice slow breathing.3. List down all the positives in your life. Do not dwell on the negatives.4. Stop telling yourself you are superman or superwoman. Everyone has a limit. In short, do not make yourself the dumping ground of everyone’s problem. You cannot solve it for them. At least, not all the time.5. Take a class in yoga.6. Create powerful affirmations in your life.
To affirm means to say “yes” to life. So grant yourself permission now. Do not hold yourself back.
Instead, say to yourself the following:
“I am loved, respected, wealthy, successful, happy, joyful, fulfilled, centered, sexy, healthy…”
Relax now
1. Close your eyes. Squint them tightly. Release. Open your eyes. Inhale.2. Open your mouth wide. Then form an O. Say, “oh.” Say “ah.” Exhale.3. Place your palms flat against the wall. As hard as you can, push. Release your inner pain/pressure. Then take your arms off the wall.4. Lie on your back. Hug a pillow.5. Form a fetal position. Visualize yourself in your mother’s womb. Remember how loved you were then.6. Stretch your arms as wide as you can as though hugging a giant tree. Then say: “I am ready to embrace life now.”
Love and light!
Get moving or else...
You have heard this saying too often: “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”
This goes for every single aspect of who you are and what you are. In short, if you do not want to move or make a move in your life you will stagnate.
Getting stuck
Bad habits die hard, many claim. But this is only because there is a lack of motivation in one’s life.
So, if your lifestyle contributes to your ever worsening health and well-being, wouldn’t the thought of illness be motivation enough?
Get moving or else
One of the integral support groups of our immune system is the lymph network. The human body has 400-700 lymph nodes, of which 70 percent are deep in the abdominal area. The rest are found in the neck.
Lymph nodes, ranging in size from a pin head to an olive, act like filters, purifying and screening fluids that run through our entire body, ridding them of bacteria, viruses and other impurities before they are reabsorbed by the body and returned to the blood stream.
The lymph system does not have any means to travel through the body. The only way to get it going is by moving the body, through muscular contractions beneath the skin. Therefore, the message is clear: “Get moving or get sick.”
Take the case of edema, or swelling of parts of the body. When this occurs, it is because there is too much water drawn by proteins into the system.
This only means that your lymph system is slow and needs to be drained.
Flush it out
Enter lymphatic drainage therapy. In 1936, Dr. Emil Vodder, who introduced manual lymph drainage through the use of physical manipulation, pressure, body contact and skin stretching, staged “Paris, a Health and Beauty Exhibition.”
He demonstrated the benefits of his approach in improving a person’s health. The idea was to empty the lymph capillaries so that new and fresh fluid could replace what was stale and old.
The benefits of lymphatic drainage through massage therapy include: detoxification of the body; pain and swelling reduction; relief of allergy, sinus/respiratory problems and migraine; prevention of breast and prostate ailments; glowing/radiant skin; reduction of wrinkles and cellulite; and improvement of uneven skin.
Simple remedies
Things you can do in a relaxed manner that will not impose on your regular regimen:
1. Jump out of bed. Or at least get up with energy and enthusiasm.
2. If you can do something yourself, do not ask somebody else to do it for you (examples: getting a cup of coffee/glass of water, picking up litter on the floor, carrying your own attaché case/papers).
3. Take the stairs, not the elevator. You heart will benefit from it, too.
4. Include weight-bearing exercises to your gym program.
5. Dance, run, jump, walk briskly.
6. Drink 10-12 glasses of clear, clean water.
Detox at home
Where deep-tissue and Swedish massages cannot go, lymphatic massage can penetrate. With well-trained therapists, you can enjoy the goodness of massage with the medicinal touch of lymphatic therapy, says Dr. Eric Tan, director of Beyond Medi-Spa at Delos Santos Medical (tel. 7230041 loc. 294) and Orange Home Spa (7237714).
Bright mornings
To make your morning look perfect, try this easy routine. If you wake up in the morning with puffy eyes, gently stroke your eye bags with your two fingers, index and middle. Massage across your eye bags from the nose area to the sides of your face. Watch the puffiness go away.
Today’s affirmation
“I drive out the bad to allow the good in.”
Love and light!
Celebrate Life with Cory Quirino at 2 p.m., Sept. 16, at SM South Mall. Admission is free.
Age is a result of who you are
People who survive longest are those who have found balance in several aspects of their lives.
Psychiatrist George Vaillant (Harvard) says the best adapted to their psychological life live longer.
This situation is characterized by:
1. Stability in family life2. Satisfying marriage3. Hardly living alone4. Continued growth in career5. Absence of disabling mental illness6. Not an alcoholic7. Few chronic illnesses
Is there a method to achieving satisfaction in one’s later years? Deepak Chopra in “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind” says, if you follow your instincts and what works for you, that should be enough.The way you age is truly a result of who you are. This has to do with awareness.
Example: If someone puts weights in your hands and lifts your arms up and down, your arm will not gain muscle strength. This is unwilled behavior.
But if you consciously lift the weights, then the brain, through willed behavior, will send signals to your biceps, heart and lungs. Willed behavior involves learning because you teach your body to be strong.
Take control
When you take control of your body, this becomes a holistic approach. It involves the mind-body system.
How does one take charge?
1. Tap into your deeper levels of information by tuning into your body talk. Listen well. Do not ignore the cues.
2. Focus on parts of your body that express pain, discomfort. Localize your awareness there. Just by focusing, you are already sending healing energy.
3. Activate your desire and intention by asking yourself what you feel you need in order to complete yourself. Be honest with yourself. Example: Whether it is simply getting out of bed in the morning in a good mood or winning that golf tourney, your intention will influence the outcome of your day.
Staying young
If you intend to stay on this earth for the longest time and in the most fulfilling way, then it is your mission to explore the landscape of longevity.
Aging is as much a part of conditioning as it is the natural deterioration of the body. It is imperative that you preempt the needs of your body. A little help from medical breakthroughs should be considered.
While still in its infancy, Autologus Stemcell Transplant introduced by Dr. Florencio Lucero has transformed the lives of many patients with debilitating health changes. Visit or call 0917-5234912.
Since it was made available over a year ago, amazing testimonials have been accumulating. Grace Draper, a 49-year-old patient who had a hemorrhagic stroke in 1999, could not walk without a cane. She has since discarded it two weeks after her stem-cell therapy.
Jacob, a 6-year-old cerebral-palsy patient, who was born three months premature and has had 56 operations since birth, now has more interactive movement, improved speech and no surgery for over a year.
Tessie Cuevas, 80, heart patient; and Lourdes Barbero Ramos and Tinette Lucero feel the procedure turned back the clock for them by 10 years. A 78-year-old man of Swedish descent who suffered from the not-so-common Chlamydia pneumoniale, improved after two weeks. His lung capacity increased by 5-7 percent, much to the amazement of his doctors.
Dr. Lucero explains that the four-hour procedure involves the harvesting of 100cc of fat and peripheral blood from the patient’s body through a mini liposuction. The stem cells are then separated from the fat through a process done within the same surgery room, infused with a growth factor made up of proteins to wake dormant stem cells.
This is then infused back into the patient’s body intravenously. Stem cells are the building blocks of life, basic cells from which the human body is made.
With a little boost from this medical technology, one can easily delay aging and the arrival of degenerative diseases.
Be young
Your mind can age you or make you older. If you continuously see yourself as old, then you will become it. So, affirm as I do: “I am young forever.”
Love and light!