Monday, September 03, 2007

Age is a result of who you are

People who survive longest are those who have found balance in several aspects of their lives.
Psychiatrist George Vaillant (Harvard) says the best adapted to their psychological life live longer.

This situation is characterized by:
1. Stability in family life2. Satisfying marriage3. Hardly living alone4. Continued growth in career5. Absence of disabling mental illness6. Not an alcoholic7. Few chronic illnesses

Is there a method to achieving satisfaction in one’s later years? Deepak Chopra in “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind” says, if you follow your instincts and what works for you, that should be enough.The way you age is truly a result of who you are. This has to do with awareness.
Example: If someone puts weights in your hands and lifts your arms up and down, your arm will not gain muscle strength. This is unwilled behavior.

But if you consciously lift the weights, then the brain, through willed behavior, will send signals to your biceps, heart and lungs. Willed behavior involves learning because you teach your body to be strong.

Take control
When you take control of your body, this becomes a holistic approach. It involves the mind-body system.

How does one take charge?
1. Tap into your deeper levels of information by tuning into your body talk. Listen well. Do not ignore the cues.
2. Focus on parts of your body that express pain, discomfort. Localize your awareness there. Just by focusing, you are already sending healing energy.
3. Activate your desire and intention by asking yourself what you feel you need in order to complete yourself. Be honest with yourself. Example: Whether it is simply getting out of bed in the morning in a good mood or winning that golf tourney, your intention will influence the outcome of your day.

Staying young
If you intend to stay on this earth for the longest time and in the most fulfilling way, then it is your mission to explore the landscape of longevity.

Aging is as much a part of conditioning as it is the natural deterioration of the body. It is imperative that you preempt the needs of your body. A little help from medical breakthroughs should be considered.

While still in its infancy, Autologus Stemcell Transplant introduced by Dr. Florencio Lucero has transformed the lives of many patients with debilitating health changes. Visit or call 0917-5234912.

Since it was made available over a year ago, amazing testimonials have been accumulating. Grace Draper, a 49-year-old patient who had a hemorrhagic stroke in 1999, could not walk without a cane. She has since discarded it two weeks after her stem-cell therapy.

Jacob, a 6-year-old cerebral-palsy patient, who was born three months premature and has had 56 operations since birth, now has more interactive movement, improved speech and no surgery for over a year.

Tessie Cuevas, 80, heart patient; and Lourdes Barbero Ramos and Tinette Lucero feel the procedure turned back the clock for them by 10 years. A 78-year-old man of Swedish descent who suffered from the not-so-common Chlamydia pneumoniale, improved after two weeks. His lung capacity increased by 5-7 percent, much to the amazement of his doctors.

Dr. Lucero explains that the four-hour procedure involves the harvesting of 100cc of fat and peripheral blood from the patient’s body through a mini liposuction. The stem cells are then separated from the fat through a process done within the same surgery room, infused with a growth factor made up of proteins to wake dormant stem cells.

This is then infused back into the patient’s body intravenously. Stem cells are the building blocks of life, basic cells from which the human body is made.

With a little boost from this medical technology, one can easily delay aging and the arrival of degenerative diseases.

Be young
Your mind can age you or make you older. If you continuously see yourself as old, then you will become it. So, affirm as I do: “I am young forever.”
Love and light!


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